The Battle At Krasny. August,2,1812
(The picture by Hess)
Krasny was a small provincial town of the Smolensk gubernia (province). This town was on the way of the French cavalry under Marshal Murat and the infantry troops of Marshal Ney that followed Murat. And all this huge mass of troops at 3 p.m. on August,2 pounced upon Krasny. After the very hard fights the Russian troops under the command of General Neverovsky began to retreat. It seems even the nature helped the Russians: Neverovsky's troops moved along the wide highway that was lined with big birches, these thick lines of trees covered the road and protected the Russian troops from the French cavalry attacks. Between the road and the open fields there were deep ditches, that also laid obstacles to the French cavalry actions. This is shown very good on the picture.